Prime Male Testosterone Booster : Reviews, Benefits, Ingredients, Side Effects & Where To Buy

This Prime Male Testosterone Booster review will help you decide if this test booster is the right supplement for you.

Statistics show that men lose 1% of their testosterone every year, starting from the age of 30.

This crucial male hormone determines a man’s masculinity, influencing muscle growth, libido, and strength.

When a man has low testosterone levels, he is likely to accumulate fat mainly in the mid-section, have low libido, and suffer from fatigue and low self-esteem.

If you have started noticing some of these effects, it might be time to consider a test booster like Prime Male.

Perhaps you are worried about nasty side effects, but you will be happy to hear that Prime Male does not contain any testosterone or other harmful ingredients.

Instead, it is formulated with specific nutrients that aid the body in producing testosterone naturally.

Click Here To Order Prime Male Direct From The Official Website

Prime Male Review Summary

In this review of Prime Male, we will see how this supplement uses natural ingredients to increase testosterone levels.

Specifically, it is proven to raise t-levels by 42% in only 12 days! In doing so, it reverses all ‘unmanly’ effects and increases self-confidence and vitality.

Prime Male raises t-levels by addressing three of the most significant barriers to testosterone production in the body.

These include the Luteinizing hormone, the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and the female sex hormones oestrogen and prolactin.

The luteinizing hormone stimulates the production of testosterone by the Leydig cells in the testes.

This supplement, therefore, contains ingredients that support the production of this essential hormone.

SHBG binds itself to testosterone, making it unavailable for use in the body.

Prime Male uses a variety of nutrients to free as much testosterone as possible.

Finally, if a man has too many female hormones, it means having less of the male hormone.

This t-booster corrects that balance.

Prime Male Introduction:

Have you been trying to lose excess fat, particularly in the mid-section, in vain?

Perhaps you have been lifting weights in the hope of building a lean, toned physique, but you simply do not have the energy or motivation for it.

No matter what you do, you will not see your workouts’ effectiveness if your t-levels are low.

Prime Male contains ingredients that will give you the strength and stamina you need to work out consistently to build the body that you desire.

Additionally, you will see the fat melt off, leaving behind the lean body that you have always dreamed of.

Unlike other t-boosters, Prime Male Testosterone Booster does not only address the issue of testosterone.

It provides overall health benefits, including a boost in immunity, cardiovascular health, and control over blood sugar levels.

Similarly, the antioxidants in this supplement protect your cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals, keeping everything working optimally.

Prime Male Ingredients

The secret behind Prime Male’s efficacy is in its ingredients.

These are 12 clinically proven t-boosters that work together to restore your t-levels to what they were when you were a teenager.

Here is an in-depth look at some of these ingredients:

D-Aspartic Acid Calcium Chelate (D-AA-CC)

D-AA is an amino acid that doubles up as a neurotransmitter.

It triggers the luteinizing hormone release, which then signals the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone.

In one study quoted by the manufacturer, 23 men who took a daily D-AA dose for 12 days raised their testosterone levels by 42%.

Prime Male utilizes the calcium chelate form of D-AA, which is 75 times more water-soluble than other forms.

Better solubility means that the body will absorb it better without upsetting the stomach.


BioPerine is extracted from black pepper seeds.

It is used in this formula to increase the body’s ability to absorb other nutrients.

The patented form used in Prime Male increases bioavailability 20 times more than standard piperine.

Mucuna Pruriens Seed Extract

Mucuna Pruriens, also known as the velvet bean, is a natural source of L-dopa, which the brain needs to make dopamine.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is clinically proven to increase testosterone production.

It is also associated with pleasure, motivation, and reduction of stress.

This herb does raise not only t-levels but also improves the quality of sperm.

Information source [1]


This mineral is useful in building strong bones, muscle mass and coordination, and testosterone production.

In one study, men who took Boron daily for one week showed a 28% increase in t-levels.

Prime Male utilizes boron amino acid chelate, which is more effectively absorbed by the body.

Red Ginseng Extract

Korean Red Ginseng is a herb that has been used medicinally for centuries.

It boosts immunity, improves erectile function, increases energy, and is a potent antioxidant.

In a study quoted by the manufacturer, men who took Korean Red Ginseng for eight weeks reported experiencing higher libido, sexual satisfaction, and improved erection quality.


This flavonoid is found in many fruits and vegetables.

In this formula, it is used to inhibit the action of aromatase, a compound that converts testosterone to the female hormone estrogen.

It also reduces the production of estrogen, which is exactly what a man wants to happen.

Other ingredients included in Prime Male:

  • Magnesium
  • Nettle Root
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin D3
  • Vitamin K2
  • Zinc

Prime Male Vs. Nugenix (Researched & Tested)

Prime Male and Nugenix are both dietary supplements designed to boost testosterone levels naturally and safely.

Prime Male addresses three main barriers to testosterone production in the body, the luteinizing hormone, SHBG, and female hormones.

Nugenix, on the other hand, focuses on increasing the levels of free testosterone.

When it comes to ingredients, Nugenix relies on a proprietary blend.

Unfortunately, proprietary blends do not inspire much confidence because they beg the question- what is the manufacturer hiding? With such a blend, it is impossible to know the exact ingredient amounts used, so we cannot ascertain their effectiveness.

On the other hand, prime male clearly states all ingredients used, their quantities, and supplies clinical studies backing their efficacy.

Regarding benefits, Nugenix puts its emphasis on sexual performance, libido, and vitality.

Prime Male offers these and several more advantages, including better cognitive and cardiovascular function, controlled blood sugar levels, and stronger bones.

Prime Male is only available from the official website, while Nugenix is available on several e-commerce sites such as Amazon, GNC, and Walgreens.

When it comes to quantity and pricing, Prime Male comes in one standard bottle with 120 capsules.

Nugenix seems to have different packaging depending on the seller, so this is something to be on the lookout for.

For instance, we have seen a 14 serving bottle on Walgreen, retailing at $34.99, and a 30 serving bottle at Rite Aid retailing at $46.99.

One of the most significant considerations you should make when buying a t-booster is the composition of ingredients.

A potent supplement should have key nutrients that will boost your body’s natural testosterone production.

Given that Prime Male contains 12 ingredients backed by clinical studies, we would recommend it over Nugenix, a proprietary blend.

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